Applicar en Espanol
If you are here it means you are in search of a part time job. We are in need of responsible people who have or don't have experiance to learn about what it is to be a house cleaner or a janitor.

People believe cleaning houses is easy or fast, and anyone can do it. Yes anyone can do the job, but can they do it right is the question, and are you willing to learn.

We are in search of people who have good work ethics such as but not limited to:
  • Time Management
  • Integrity
  • Teamwork
  • Productivity
  • Discipline
  • Good Attitude

  • We believe that part time, short time, or full time each employee or independent cleaner should have the basic qualities, and putting their 100% effort into their jobs.

    Many of our customers trust us to find employees with such qualities. Providing our customers good services, come from finding good employees, or independent cleaners to assist at the job assigned with the upmost professional work ethic they can provide.
    TEAM WORK with PRODUCTIVITY is the goal in the cleaning services. This job requires for you and the rest of your team to work together and get the job done at a time frame, and provide quality services.


    What we will need when you do recieve a call from us.
  • ID
  • SSN
  • Proof of address
  • Proof of license and insurance
  • Cell phone
  • Have transportation to arrive at the office
  • We need more employees with cars, but if you do not have a car, as long as you can arrive at the office, we can assign you with a team.

  • You would be paid at a commission per job completed. And your commission is based on how much the customer pays.
  • Some jobs provide fixed rate commission while others have a fixed % rate of what the customer pays.
  • Any employee using their car to arrive from one home to another will be paid more in the number of percentage/fixed rate and they also are paid millage from one home to other.
  • Payments are paid weekly.

  • More will be explained once you get a call.


    What we will need when you do recieve a call from us.
  • ID
  • SSN
  • Proof of address
  • Proof of license and insurance
  • Cell phone
  • W9 Form
  • Business license
  • General Liability Insurance
  • Minimum experiance 6 months
  • Have your own cleaning supplies
  • Paid 70% profit of the customers subtotal for residential contracts.
  • Paid a fixed rate commission for commercial contracts.
  • Contracts that do not meet the expectations of quality services are terminated at any time.
  • Must have minimum 6 months experiance for residential and commercial.
  • Payments are paid weekly.

    Full Name:

    Business liceance # , Liabaility #, bond insurance #
    Can you use your car?
    Driver License #
    Type of Experiance
    When can you start?

    Phone number:
    Business name:
    When you left:

    3 Job references of coworkers from previous positions.

    Phone number:
    What job did you both work together:

    If this area is not filled out, you will have a lower posibility of a quick call.

    Insert the number shown above